Sound Corrections Upper Cervical Correction Service

Upper Cervical Correction

No More “Snap, Crackle, Pop”

Utilizing new sound wave technology, highly trained chiropractors are able to identify and correct upper cervical misalignments. The traditional “snap, crackle, pop” of a chiropractor is now a thing of the past. Using laser precision to make the adjustment, patients can achieve higher and longer lasting results.

Quicker Results. Longer Lasting.

Combining 3D x-rays and trigonometry, we are able to accurately determine the exact vector to correct the atlas misalignment. Due to the specificity, patients hold their adjustments much longer which enables them to achieve their optimum function quicker.

Due to the proximity of the brainstem, an atlas correction is viewed as a full spine adjustment leveraged through the top vertebra (C1 or the atlas). This is what makes the atlas correction so powerful since the brainstem controls everything that is automatic inside the body.